By Bill Kraus
The immediate reaction to the collection of over 1 million signatures on recall petitions is: WOW.
There have been no elections. But there will be one big one for governor and five for lesser offices.
The outcomes are not predictable. The challengers to the recallable incumbents aren’t even decided. But something significant is afoot.
If politics is still lists, and the role of money and TV messages it buys to the contrary notwithstanding it stll is, the Democrats have 30,000 qualified activists and the names and addresses--and to a considerable extent the ever-important e-mail addresses--of more than a million voters who are somewhere between sympathetic and enthusiastic about Democrats’ ideas, issues and representatives.
This is an enormous head start on the recall campaigns on the horizon.
Properly nurtured, these are foot soldiers in the battles for majorities for years to come in terms of recruiting candidates, raising money, mounting campaigns and governing.
There are lots of balls still in the air, but this one has landed with a resounding thud.
Among the balls that are still up in the air: